Monday, May 7, 2012

Electrolysis Update

It worked! At least well enough. I let the process run for about 3 days, but it had pretty much run its course in 2. Here is another video of the process, well, in process (about 17 hours in):

Regrettably I forgot to take a good before shot. However, here is a picture of the inside of the lid that gives a pretty good indication of what the inside of the tank looked like.

As you can see, it was pretty well covered with rust. Here is a shot of the inside of the tank afterward. It isn't one smooth uniform color. There are still darker patches. But those darker patches don't really look like rust. Though I can't really say exactly what they are.

Not perfect, but a vast improvement. I will call this good enough.

Perhaps not perfect, but good enough for a 40+ year old bike. As additional precaution, I am adding a new petcock with new in-tank screen and new petcock screen. Plus I am going to add inline fuel filters which the bike did not have originally.

Here is what the electrolyte solution looked like when I changed it out half way through the process.