Saturday, May 12, 2012

Does She Breath Fire?

So I went back into the carburetors and tried to figure out what went wrong, what caused them to leak fuel all over last night. I tore them apart and did a more aggressive overhaul than last time. I removed the jets and did a more thorough cleaning. I adjusted one of the floats. When I reassembled them and turned the fuel back on, one of them started leaking again out of an overflow vent. I tried a trick I read about online described as a "trail-side repair". They mentioned knocking on the side of the float bowl with a piece of wood to unstick a stuck float. This worked like a charm. Then I tried again to start the bike.Remember, it hasn't been started in 25 years.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats!! Sounds good, just like it used to.
    Forgot to tell you the shift pattern -- I think it's one down and four up

